So, after I picked out the lovely name for this blog, Gray Area, Blogger asked me to create a URL so that my friends and other readers could find it. I think in the suggestion box they say something on the lines of “pick something that is identifiable.” Well, being the complicated person that I am, I decided that I could not have a blah name like or as a name for a blog. And even if I had decided to pick one of these urls, I’m sure that somebody else out there already claimed them as their own.
A lot of people blog. Apparently, in 2009 there were 126 million blogs on the internet! That is crazy . . . What’s even more crazy is that there are actually websites like that actually record the statistics of how many blogs there are on the internet. even picks the top 40 blogs based off of links of other bloggers. I did not realize how much this phenomenon had grown in recent years.
I vaguely remember hearing about someone writing a blog while I was in middle school, but I didn’t think much of it. Back then AOL’s IM was the internet craze, and now we have blogging, and facebook, and twitter, and all that social networking stuff. So, with my aversion to technology, also came my ignorance about the increase of the blogging world. It has increased so much that when I tried to give my blog the URL that it had of course already been taken.
Upon discovering this, I then tried different variations: (TAKEN), (TAKEN), (TAKEN), thegrayareamass. (TAKEN), (TAKEN). I may be exaggerating this a little, but you get what I went through? It was at this moment that I came up with a ridiculous solution. I knew that I wanted grayarea in the url, so I decided to make a url using my brother’s birthday as the numbers.
I was quickly told by my friends that no one would ever be able to remember, let alone find my blog with that url. So, I came up with the next best option, It’s kind of similar to Gray Area, right? But the fact is, that still no one can remember my url anyway . . .
Thats why I picked COWYPOTTER!