Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Procrastination at its finest

So, I’ve done it; I’ve finally decided to start a blog. I have been thinking about starting a blog for a couple of years now, but I could never bring myself to do it. The creation of this blog acts as a rite of passage for me, I guess. Today, I have passed into the threshold from pen and paper into the digital age. This has been a hard transition for me to make in the past two minutes since I started writing, but bear with me.

I guess you can say that I’m a traditionalist. I have a slight aversion to following the trends of the digital age. I realize how sad this statement is because it’s not like I’m 65 years old and can’t even work a computer. But, I think that my aversion to the trends of the digital age started on the day that my parents decided to switch out our Beta Max player for something called a VCR.

I remembered being very confused on that day, or maybe I was just sad because I could never watch the Care Bears movie EVER again. I know that my brother praises that day because it marked the death of him having to hear those bears sing about “the Forest of Feelings” everyday. The digital age had betrayed me on that day.

I remember eyeing the first computer that my family got very suspiciously as well. It was a cheap IBM or something, but there are pictures of my brother on Christmas morning with his mouth hanging open with joy as I scowl in the background. Every computer we had after that broke down because they were cheap. And I started to reaffirm the fact that you can’t trust electronics, they always die in the end.
But it was on one of these cheap computers that I first discovered my love of writing.

At home, I have a lot of notebooks, and journals filled with writing that is most definitely blog worthy stuff. But I think the real reason that I haven’t started a blog is because it would just increase my growing procrastination. So, the lovely stories just offered to you are an example of not only the bile of my mind, but also of procrastination at its finest.